College of Education and Health Sciences - June 2021

Message from the Chair

Welcome to summer and the second edition of our College of Education and Health Sciences Newsletter.  The spring semester saw the end of a very challenging academic year, recognition ceremonies for our students and faculty who have retired, graduate program hoodings, professional pinnings, and commencement ceremonies for our 2020 and 2021 graduates. The celebrations, even though they looked different this year, were important as we recognized the accomplishments of so many. We look forward to the fall and the return of a more normal academic year.


The fall will bring us a change in the composition of our college. The Center for the Advancement of Learning will re-locate to the new College of Business and Engineering. We will certainly miss our colleagues in the center, but we will continue to support their programs for adults who wish to advance their educations or careers.


We are hopeful that you enjoy the updates provided in these newsletters and learn about the amazing things our students are faculty are doing. Please feel free to share your thoughts about what you like and what you would like to see more of!

Wishing you the very best and hoping that you have a wonderful summer.


Mary P. Kessler

Dean, College of Education and Health Sciences


Education Graduate Earns Award

DaLisa McCallum ’20 is a graduate of the education program who was named the Beginning Teacher of the Year in her first year of teaching at Sandy Grove Middle School in North Carolina.


School of Education Students Celebrate the Semester

Students from the School of Education organized a social event toward the end of the school year. Students and faculty gathered – socially distanced – outside on the East Terrace Lawn to celebrate the end of another semester.


Faculty Members Retire

Professors of education, Davies Bellamy, PhD, and George Iber, PhD, both retired from the School of Education this year after a combined 36 years of teaching at UE. The University planted trees in honor of their service.


Outstanding Future Educators

Four UE education students were named as IACTE Outstanding Future Educators at a ceremony this spring. The winners were Kenlea Meeker (secondary education), Alexa Butler (secondary education), Isaac Sellers (special education), and Allie Bethe (elementary education). Sharon Gieselmann, PhD, chair of the school of education, joined the four for an honorary luncheon.


Public Health Students Win Award for Best Student Paper

Congratulations to public health students Lexi Sollman and Hannah Patterson, along with Payal Patel-Dovlatabadi, PhD,  on their achievement of Best Student Paper Co-Award for their presentation of College Student’s Perceptions of Vaccines in 2020. Their paper was presented at the Business and Health Administration Association International Conference in March.


Aces United Spreads Cheer in a Challenging Year

Aces United is a group of students that formed in the Spring 2021 to provide service to the community as well as the University of Evansville. During the semester, the students organized and performed several service projects. Their first project was to make and deliver greeting cards to local nursing homes, which brightened the day for the residents. These were delivered on Easter weekend.


For their second project, the students made cards for UE staff members and invited any UE student to participate. Those cards were distributed at the beginning of May to 550 staff members along with a cookie as a thank you for all they do, especially during the challenging year.

Aces United students making cards for nursing home residents.
Aces United also hosted a card-making event to make cards for UE staff.

Center for Advancement of Learning Congratulates Graduates

The Center for the Advancement of Learning congratulates all of our adult students who received their undergraduate and graduate diplomas during the commencement ceremonies in May. These students worked hard, persevered through challenging circumstances, and finally reached their academic goals. We wish this group of inspiring individuals the very best and know they all have great things ahead of them!


2020 and 2021 Doctor of Physical Therapy Graduates and Friends Recognized

Congratulations to the Doctor of Physical Therapy 2020 and 2021 graduates! Hooding and pinning ceremonies to honor the classes of 2020 and 2021 were held on Friday, May 7, in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center. The events featured faculty, alumni, and class speakers along with faculty advisors presenting the doctoral hoods and pins to each graduate. The physical therapy faculty also presented awards for outstanding achievements in areas of academics, clinical performance, and leadership to the following graduates:

Outstanding Physical Therapist Awards: Meghan Luczkowski DPT ’20 and Mackenzie Manning, DPT ’21.
Outstanding Clinical Performance Awards: Rachel Henrickson DPT ’20 and Adam Grannan, DPT ’21
Mary Kessler Leadership Awards: Samantha Mackey DPT ’20 and Rachel Northcutt  DPT ’21.
Class of 2020
Class of 2021

Kyle Matsel, PhD was recognized with the Mary Bennett Award of Excellence: Outstanding Physical Therapy Professor of the Year by both the 2020 and 2021 classes.

Sean Bagbey, PTA, MHA, ATC and Craig Phifer, MHA, PT were recognized with the Friend of Physical Therapy Award for their dedicated service to students, graduates and faculty. Bagbey is the COO of the Rehabilitation & Performance Institute and a long-time adjunct faculty and supporter of the UE PTA program. Craig is the institute’s president and CEO.

The Ace CARE Volunteer of the Year Awards are presented each year to local physical therapists who give their time and expertise to support Ace CARE participants and our students. This year, we recognized Phyllis Fenneman, PT, DPT, PCS and Hannah LaMar, PT, DPT ’19, ATC. Fenneman, a board-certified pediatric clinical specialist, retired in 2017 after a 40-year career in physical therapy. LaMar has successfully completed the UE/St. Vincent neurologic residency program.

A retirement and service recognition was presented by chair Bethany Huebner, PT, DPT, SCS, MTC to Kyle Kiesel in appreciation of his many contributions to the University and physical therapy program. Dr. Kiesel retired at the end of this academic year after serving 21 years as a professor and the department chair from 2014-19, leading the growth of the physical therapy program and transition to the Stone Family Center for Health Sciences. We are grateful for his leadership and positive impact on the faculty and students of physical therapy for over two decades as a passionate educator and advisor.


UE Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice Program Receives Accreditation

The University of Evansville (UE) has received accreditation for the Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice program from the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs. UE earned accreditation for five years, which is the maximum amount awarded to new nurse anesthesia programs.


“Achieving this accreditation status is extremely rewarding and exciting for our program,” said Melissa Fitch, DNP, CRNA, who serves as program director. “We look forward to welcoming future students to the University and preparing them for successful careers in the field of nurse anesthesia.”

The Nurse Anesthesia program at UE is a nine-semester graduate program. Students receive a blend of classroom lecture and lab exercises from faculty members who possess many years of experience as certified registered nurse anesthetists, or CRNAs. During the second and third years of the program, students work directly with licensed practitioners in the tri-state region and obtain over 2,000 clinical hours providing anesthesia for many types of procedures, including general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, sedation, and invasive monitoring line placement.


Students in the first cohort of the program began their classes in January. The application for the second cohort with January 2022 entry will be open June 1 through August 31. Visit our website for more information.


The demand for CRNAs is growing across the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment is projected to grow by 31 percent through 2026, which is much faster than the average for other occupations. In 2020, the average salary for a CRNA was $189,190.


UE Physician Assistant Graduation

Following COVID-19 safety guidelines, we were unable to celebrate our UEPA Class of 2020 in person last year. We were honored to recently complete the hooding of several members of this cohort and celebrate their accomplishments! This cohort had a 100 percent PANCE pass rate and are currently practicing in areas such as emergency medicine, dermatology, ENT, rheumatology, orthopaedics, neurology, and much more. We are grateful to these PA-Cs for their trust in the University of Evansville and their service to their communities!


Congratulations Future Educators

During commencement in May, 10 School of Education students received their degrees. We congratulate and wish the very best to all of our graduates!


IPE Simulation Experience

The College of Education and Health Sciences hosted an interprofessional collaboration event in Eykamp Hall last spring. Students from the various disciplines of Athletic Training, Education, Nursing, and Public Health came together in an engaging simulation experience that focused on the at-risk youth population facing homelessness.

Different teams discussed the challenge together and presented their solutions as a group.


Education Alumni Provide Professional Development Program

This month, alumni Jeremy Buente ’08 and Ryan Purkey ’06 came back to deliver STEM professional development for our elementary education majors and graduates. They emphasized stemifying classroom lessons. The program was supported by a Commission for Higher Education grant the department has received.

Scholarships Presented

Jerrilee LaMar attended the commencement ceremony for the EVSC Medical Professions Academy at Central High School and presented the following students with UE scholarships:


Michaela Bayer (pre-PT) will be receiving the following:

MPA Scholarship
Ridgway Award
UE Scholar Award
UE Aces Family Scholarship
Olmsted Award


Ryan Moore (Biochemistry) will be receiving the following:

MPA Scholarship
Legacy Award
Ridgway Award
UE Housing Scholarship

College of Education and Health Sciences
Graves Hall
1800 Lincoln Ave. Evansville Indiana 47722 - 812-488-2360

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University of Evansville

University of Evansville, 1800 Lincoln Avenue
Evansville, IN, 47722